The Principles Of War Applied To Real Estate Investing

The Principles Of War Applied To Real Estate Investing
The Principles Of War Applied To Real Estate Investing

I have prepared a brief white paper that applies all 9 principles of war to real estate investing in an attempt to provide a path for preparing a strategic plan for the acquisition of properties in Florida.

The purpose of the paper is to show institutional investors a smarter way to deploy capital in the Florida real estate investing arena through the implementation of a strategically sound plan.

I feel that better planning will help most of these fund managers better (and faster) deploy the capital that they have raised for real estate investing in Florida and potentially seize the initiative from the scores of others investors heading south to Florida.

I hope you take the time to read and enjoy the white paper on real estate investing (and the principles of war), and please be sure to come back and comment here with your thoughts and reactions to the paper.