FSBO – How To Sell A Home On Your Own

FSBO – How To Sell A Home On Your Own
FSBO – How To Sell A Home On Your Own

The purpose of this booklet is to give you the tools you need to get your home sold in todays’ challenging market. Using these tips and techniques will give you the competitive edge you need to conquer not only the other “For Sale By Owners” in your community… but also the competition of all homes for sale.

Selling on your own requires that you think like a buyer. When you put yourself in a buyers’ shoes you realize that every home for sale competes with each other.

This competition includes all the other “For Sale By Owners” and professionally listed homes in your market area… short-sales, foreclosures, real estate owned (REO’s) must be factored into this competition … and in order to be successful selling on your own you need to have a proven plan in place to capture that elusive “right buyer” at the right price.

This is the most comprehensive “how to” book you will find for selling a home. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the book.